1″ Gumdrop Acrylic



Acrylic Color *

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Please use our templates and guidelines for file setup. Download the appropriate File Setup Kit(s). Once your files are ready to go, upload them here.

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

This Premium acrylic is 1/8 in. (3.175mm) thick.

Our Gumdrop Acrylic is frosted matte on one side and shiny smooth on the other side.

Print on the Shiny Side of the material requires a full candy gloss finish.

Print on the Frosted Matte side of the material provides the option to have a Spot Gloss finish (meaning you can choose desired elements in your design to receive candy gloss as shown on the little hairs glistening on the Yeti example above). No finish is also available.

Set up for our Gumdrop Acrylic: The set up is the same as the Black Acrylic (video tutorial available).

How will the back of my design appear? The back of your design will reveal a white silhouette of your design looking through the acrylic to allow the the color of the material to present.

Is double-sided printing available for the Gumdrop acrylics? No.

Number of Designs

We will divide the number of each design evenly.
For example:
An order of 100 charms with 2 designs: 50, 50
An order of 100 charms with 3 designs: 33, 33, 34
An order of 100 charms with 4 designs: 25, 25, 25, 25
An order of 100 charms with 5 designs: 20, 20, 20, 20, 20

See File Setup for downloadable templates and instructions.



20, 50, 100, 500

Print Side

Frosted Matte, Shiny (Requires CANDY GLOSS)


NONE, Candy Gloss, Matte Finish